Coding my first program - This morning, I clicked a single button to send a to-do list item to each student in STA Digital Media, instantly creating about 45 to-do list items in 45 different Basecamp projects. This is the result of a little side project I've been working on over the last week or so, culminating in a flurry […]
7 Audio/Video Creative Resources - For educators needing to create virtual content and lessons, editing media (both audio and video) is an essential skill. Below are 7 resources to learn new skills in audio/video editing and storytelling. Adobe Creative Cloud Tutorials: Due to the nature of CC (monthly subscription), these will likely be continually updated to match the current version […]
Hopefully, We Learn a Few Things - There's no short supply of reflection during this unprecedented time: Reflecting on the things we miss as we socially distance ourselves. Reflecting on the things we can live without as we find ourselves potentially home for a longer streak than we've ever been before. Finally, reflecting on what's most important in life. I'm hopeful that […]
Virtual Learning Quick Tips - I wanted to put some quick tips together in a single graphic, highlighting the things that I think are most important as we get further into the virtual learning experience. We've got this!
eLearning Principles We Can All Use - The following tips are adapted from eLearning and the Science of Instruction: Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2011). E-learning and the science of instruction : proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning (3rd ed. ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. While we're not strictly creating complete eLearning experiences for our students, we […]
Five Tips for Virtual Learning - It seems we're well on our way to new and uncharted territories in public education. In some ways, we've been preparing for this moment for a long time (think 1:1 technology and district-wide LMS adoption), but in other ways, we'll be like fish out of water (think of broadcasting, art, and music classes; not to […]


Instructional Design

Universal Design Principle:

Rule of Thirds

This eLearning module covers the rule of thirds design principle using video instruction, assessment, real-world examples, and skill reinforcement through practice.


This video was created as part of a final project for IDT 9000 Instructional Design and Performance Improvement. The task was to create an e-Learning proposal for NATO highlighting the benefits of microlearning.


11: Resolutions – Eduspeakeasy - It's January. A new year. We all know what that means. In this episode of the Eduspeakeasy Podcast, let's talk resolutions. I'll share three big resolutions with you -- mostly to keep myself honest. For two of these resolutions, it's really obvious that I can't complete them without working hard towards them every day. For […]
10: Be Thankful – Eduspeakeasy - I have a tendency to focus on the work; the stressful things that have to be done to get better. Let's pause for a moment and think of the things that make us appreciate our job as educators.
09: The Bitter End – Eduspeakeasy - It's the end of another school year. Time for summer. Exciting, right? Well...


Hello, my name is Shawn Harrel and I teach Digital Media Technology at Summit Technology Academy in Lee's Summit, MO. I'm also active in the music department at Lee's Summit West High School, where I direct Titan Jazz and assist with marching band. My passions are in video production (I work as a video production specialist for the Lee's Summit R-7 School District), music, and creativity. I'm currently pursing an Ed. D. in Instructional Design and Performance Technology from Baker University. I look forward to building meaningful learning experiences combining my skills in digital media production and instructional design.


1101 NW Innovation Parkway

Lee's Summit, MO 64086


+1 816 986 3427

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